Bio-Gel Composites

Natural Composites That Fit Any Design

What We Offer

Using our Bio-Gel technology, we can create alternatives to all your tiling needs. 

Stone Tiles

High accuracy stone alternatives

Polished Look

Smoothed tiles and blocks

Textured Tiling

Variety of tiles for any application

Reducing Carbon

Every panel captures carbon turning any wall into a green wall

By using reducing waste and capturing carbon 


Improving both our natural and built environment

Reducing mining

Every panel is made using 100% recycled aggregates

Reduce your costs while still getting the design you want

Installation of Bio-Gel Panels can be done by anyone and reduces labour costs by up to 90% compared to traditional stone and concrete veneers.

Interested in Using Bio-Gel Composites

Reach out to us today and learn how Bio-Brick Labs can make your project greener and save money